Understand your rights. The Bouterie Law Firm will provide you with sensible advice at a very stressful time in your life. Let us put our record of success to work for you.

There are two main types of bankruptcy. Call The Bouterie Law Firm and set up a consultation if you would like information on any of the following:
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 13
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can discharge most types of debt with the exception of student loans and child support payments. Often, you are able to keep your primary residence and vehicle.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often referred to as “wage-earners bankruptcy,” because it involves a debt repayment plan that takes into account what you can afford to repay based off of your monthly income. It can help you keep things like your home and car if you can prove that you can afford to do so.
For more information regarding Bankruptcy, click the links below:
If you are considering filing bankruptcy, The Bouterie Law Firm can assist you! Contact The Bouterie Law Firm today at 504-279-3303 (Chalmette office) or 985-641-9002 (Slidell office) to set up a free consultation!