Estate Planning, Bouterie Law Firm

The Bouterie Law Firm offers an opportunity to personalize your “final words” so that you’re leaving more than assets, you’re leaving your legacy. Call us today and let us assist you with your estate planning.

Estate Planning

While you’re living and healthy, you can value being able to make your own decisions about your finances, property, health care, and raising your children. Should you die or become incapacitated, you hope others will handle these matters for you according to your wishes.

The only way to assure that will happen is through estate planning. This process involves assigning various personal and financial decisions to others and creating legal arrangements to carry out those decisions. Our experienced estate planning attorneys can ensure that your estate plan accurately reflects your wishes while protecting your interests.

Types of Estate Planning Documents:

Last Will and Testament: A Last Will and Testament comes into effect after you die and directs how you want your estate to be divided leaving particular items to particular people. You can appoint an administration in your will who will handle the succession process.

Trusts: A trust is used when you wish to leave a portion of your estate to someone incapable of managing the gift, such as a child. A trust ensures that the gift is manages to the benefit of the receiving individual.

Powers of Attorney: When you grant an individual “power of attorney” you are giving that person the ability to conduct financial business on your behalf or make medical decisions.

Living Will: A Living Will is a document that allows you to state your wishes for end-of-life medical care, in the event that you become unable to communicate your decisions. It has no power after death.

If you need estate planning documents such as a will or power of attorney, or you are unsure which documents you should have, contact the Bouterie Law Firm today at 504-279-3303 (Chalmette Office) or 985-641-9002 (Slidell Office) to schedule a consultation to discuss your estate!

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