Bouterie Law Firm Privacy Statement

A Professional Law Corporation


You are a valued customer of The Bouterie Law Firm. We understand your privacy concerns and respect the confidential nature of your personal information. We are providing you this notice to explain our philosophy regarding the treatment of our customers’ personal information, such as the data we obtain from you or from other sources that enables us to provide you with products and services. We respect your privacy. Your information is guarded and protected at all times:

We do not sell customer information.

  • We expect individuals or companies that provide services on our behalf to keep your information confidential. We also require those individuals or companies to use your information only to provide the products or services we have asked for.
  • We educate our employees about the need to protect your information. We have many safety measures and precautions (physical, electronic and procedural) to protect your information. Some frequently asked questions about privacy are:

How can we use your information?

Your agent may use your information to assist you with insurance needs, such as:

  • To perform a service you requested;
  • To service your case;
  • To let you know about our services that may be of interest to you;
  • To investigate or handle cases;
  • To comply with legal requests from regulatory and law enforcement authorities.

These individuals or companies may include:

  • Companies that perform tasks, such as marketing, on our behalf;
  • Insurance companies, to fulfill an insurance transaction that you requested;
  • Independent claims adjusters;
  • People who need information regarding a court order or subpoena;
  • Repair shops and recommended vendors.

What customer information do we have and where did it come from?

We have basic information such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, family member information, credit or debit card numbers, auto and property information and possibly your Social Security Number, which you provided when you completed an application for our products and services. Your information also includes payment amounts, account balances and payment history, as well as loss information, motor vehicle reports, credit reports and medical information.

How do we protect your information?

We require any company we do business with that may have your information to use it only for the specific request we have made on your behalf. We clearly convey this requirement to any individual or company who has access to your data and we have many safety measures in place to protect your information.
How can you find out what information we have about you?
You may request to see our records or obtain by mail the information we have about you. If you believe this information is incomplete or not accurate, you may request to correct, amend or delete the disputed information. We will arrange to disclose your information to you upon request.



Please send any request in writing to:


Bouterie Law Firm, ALPC. 

2110 Packenham Dr.
Chalmette, LA 70043

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